Renaissance thoughts: Jesus resurrects Lazarus
Renaissance thoughts: "The miracle of Jesus." Christ resurrecting Lazarus (detail), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Resurrection of Lazarus, c. 1609, oil on canvas, 380 x 275 cm (Museo di Messina) I really liked this art work painting of the resurrection of Lazarus. This painting was painted by the famous artist Michelangelo Merisida da Caravaggio. He painted this grand panting, he used oil and canvas. He gave this painting to the church of SS. Pietroe Paolo in Messina, Siclily in 1609. He passed away the following year. The colors of this painting is in good condition. There are no smudges and discolor on it. I am impressed and elated that this beautiful painting of, "Christ resurrecting Lazarus" and many other painting survived to this day. I am glad that these hundreds of years old pictures survived and we can still learn and enjoy them. The colors have not changed, the images are still in...