Renaissance thoughts: Jesus resurrects Lazarus


Renaissance thoughts: "The miracle of Jesus."

 Christ resurrecting Lazarus (detail), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Resurrection of Lazarus, c. 1609, oil on canvas, 380 x 275 cm (Museo di Messina)

Christ resurrecting Lazarus (detail), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Resurrection of Lazarus, c. 1609, oil on canvas, 380 x 275 cm (Museo di Messina)   I really liked this art work painting of the resurrection of Lazarus.  This painting was painted by the famous artist Michelangelo Merisida da Caravaggio. He painted this grand panting, he used oil and canvas.

     He gave this painting to the church of SS. Pietroe Paolo in Messina, Siclily in 1609. He passed away the following year. The colors of this painting is in good condition. There are no smudges and discolor on it.

     I am impressed and elated that this beautiful painting of, "Christ resurrecting Lazarus" and many other painting survived to this day. I am glad that these hundreds of years old pictures survived and we can still learn and enjoy them.

      The colors have not changed, the images are still in great condition, the lines are fine, the texture look fine in detail.  I thought that this beautiful painting represents this great story in details.

     The painting of Jesus, Lazarus and other images was painted so good, that  it looks like the images are real people. Lazarus is brighten up because the focused on him. The lighting around him is dim. This great story is found in the New testament Bible, John 11: 1-44.  It is a fascinating bible story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. In the painting, I can see the people around Jesus and Lazarus look shock as Lazarus came back to life. 

     I like the verse in John 11:25, where Jesus said to her, (Martha), "I am the resurrection and life.  He who believes on me, though he may die, he shall live. This is one of many of Jesus' great miracles.

It seems like this grand painting and the biblical story really spoke to me. The story is more clear through this painting.

     I would definitely would own a copy of this painting and I would put it in our church, we can all enjoy it.

We can look at this great painting and we can read the beautiful bible story in all of our languages.

I am very happy that many great paintings and art are saved and preserved in many places around the world. We can all learn from them all and we can appreciate and enjoy all these beautiful art work.


Holy Bible, King James Version

Smarthistory – Europe 1300–1800



  1. My mistake is that this beautiful picture is from the Baroque era, not the Renaissance. I will be careful next time.


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