Episcopal Saint Mattew's mission alter cloth, Beaver, AK


This is a grand moose hide beaded alter cloth, it was mostly sewn my my sister and myself. There were many others who also sewn this great piece of art. I drew it out the design on the moose hide. The flowers are all sewn with beads, the large beaded flowers are four inches wide. The colors are mainly purple, blue, red, green and brown. The beaded colors and shape that is used here are the patterns of our grandmothers.  The sides are sewn with dentalium shells and porcupine quills.  The bottom white fringes are caribou hide. The back side of the alter cloth is cover with canvas. 

The middle has the beaded sign of Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The doves represent the God. The beaded flowers represent the rich Athabaskan beaded art work and the beauty of heaven.

The beaded writing is written, Deeneek'egwaadhat Jesus Christ, in the Gwich'in Athabaskan language.

This alter cloth is six and a half feet long and it is four feet high.  The moose hide was tanned and smoked by the Native women of Beaver, AK.  This piece of beaded art was created in 2015.

There are many churches in many villages that the local woman and bead sewers created these beautiful alter cloths.  The women of Fort Yukon, AK created a huge beaded alter cloth after War World I, this is in graditude for all who came back safely and that the war had ended, they made another one after that. Arctic Village, AK sewed two alter cloths, these are huge beautiful art work.These beaded alter cloth are sewn by many people and it would take some time to create a great piece of art.  Many of these alter cloth are over a hundred years old. Many people love their churches and they create beaded alter cloths, beaded bible covers, hymn book covers, and beaded pulpit cloths.  Many church beadwork  all have different patterns and styles of their own local customs and cultural heritage. Many sew on these beautiful pieces in gratitude to God and all of His mighty blessings.  All these beaded art work in our churches will be enjoyed and it will be there for generations to come. Keep a look out for these beaded alter cloths when you visit the churches.


A special gift: Kate Duncan with Eunice Carney

Saint Matthew's Mission

Beaver, AK

Episcopal diocese of Alaska

1205 Denail way,

Fairbanks, Ak 99701


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