The Gwich'in Athabascan Men's Summer Caribou Hide Clothes, Ch'atx'eetsa'l ch'ok


Ch'atx'eetsal Chok, Kwaiitryah haa. My Caribou Hide Shirt
With My Caribou Leg Skin Boots.


  1. I appreciate how you are able to tie art from your ancestry and bring it to the forefront of art history and make it relatable to what we are studying. I really look forward to your blog and insights.

    This is my favorite yet. I absolutely love how you show the art from long ago representing the clothing worn at the time, and seeing the art and handiwork you and your elders made representing what it looks like in our present day. It really ties it all together to show off what the clothing looked like, as well as your explanation of how and why they wore what they wore. Thank you for keeping this history alive through your research and the beautiful pieces of traditional clothing you create!


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